Why was I sent this website and how can I unsubscribe?
There are a few reasons you might have been invited here. Perhaps you’re a dear friend or family member of Jas / James and/or Ellen. Or, you have demonstrated an aptitude for making a great time even greater…..or, you’re a great gift giver.
I'm confused about what to wear
The good news is that if you’ve been invited to this party, your stylishness has already been vetted.
Think dinner party/cocktail attire for Saturday night. (so no ties or formal dress.. unless you really feel like it)
The other occasions? Anything goes.
Who loves the other one more?
I'm worried that this isn't going to fun
That won’t be the case.
What's Altro Paradiso
The Michellin Guide writes "Often packed and quintessentially SoHo, this beloved charmer from Chef Ignacio Mattos is as welcoming as ever. The setting is comfortably stylish with its high ceilings, amber hues, and handsome woodwork accented with wine bottles all over.”
We chose A.P. because we love this restaurant group and had our engagement dinner at the sister restaurant. We also match the hues.
I'm an anxious planner and I have a lot more questions about logistics and what to expect. Who should I get in touch with?
Well, if you ask Jas, he will probably just defer to Ellen anyway, so just go straight to the source:
Should I bring a gift?
In short, absolutely not! We appreciate that alot of you are making the long trek to NYC to celebrate with us and this alone is the ultimate gift.
However for those rule breakers that reeeeally feel like gifting us with something, a contribution to our honeymoon fund would be greatly appreciated.